CT e-shop
by adminThe CT e-shop product constitutes the most improved and consummate solution for the
development of an e-shop.The CT e-shop is an essential part of thr CT-CMS platform development.
It helps forward ,for it procures flexibility,required for the development of a modern and
functional e-shop,which aims to demonstrate the products and services of every business enterprise.
The main characteristicts that define the CT e-shop are the following:
- It displays and administrates the records of the customers that have been registered in the e-shop
- It sets up discounts per customer-by all orders.
- It manages every csutomer’s set of orders at a given time period
- It checks status of orders in real time.
- Unlimited number of main categories.
- Unlimited number of subcategories of each main category.
- Unlimited number of subcategories of each subcategory
- Ability to transfer products from one category to another or copy a product in several categories.
- It enables the customer to view the number of producs of every main categorgory ,subcategory and sub-subcategory.
- Ability to classify categories and subcategories in alphabetical order.
- Ability to display the categories menu both simple lay out form and roll down form.
- Input an unlimited number of products.
- The ability to display the orders of your selection to the home page or to any subcategory.
- The ability to add immediately the products to the shopping cart,by using shortcut in the concise presentation of the product.
- Product List by category.
- Ability to update the price information database at once,by loading an Excel file
- Ability to create an index definition of products as relative products (in order to be displayed simultaneously)
- Ability to provide multiple payment methods((Cash, deposit / transfer to a bank account, credit card) or a combination of these,along with Paypal method.
- Ability to establish connection with Eurobank – Ignatia (Proxypay),Pireos Bank, Alpha Bank for immidiate approval ?a? payments using Visa – MasterCard Euroline, Amex
- Ability to provide the alternative of arranging payments by setting free installments(provided there is a connection with a bank,that approves this arrangemrnt).
- Support for Greek-English language(or any other language)
- Ability to set the default version( Greek,English or other)
- Ability to backup security files of the database and retrieve it in case of en error or alternatevely to transfer to another server.
- Ability to create dynamic pages,in all categories-subcategories-products and a distinct section such as Compnay Profile,News,Contact etc by using an integrated HtML editor.
- The ability to create your own menu ,customized according to your own choices.
- Ability to administrate e-mail groups, regarding registration,customer’s orders and the forwarding of newsletters
- Ability to diplay new products in the home page
- Ability to diplay tables with relative products ,under each product.